

Robipedia is a site where users can create, edit, or delete wikis based on their membership level. There are three levels, free, premium and admin. The free level has access to reading any wiki and creating a public wiki that they can also edit at any time. The premium level allows for the user to have the same capabilities as the free user but they can also create private wikis. The admin has full control and can edit or delete any wiki. This project reinforced many of the CRUD teachings that I learned in the Robbit project.


One problem that arose from this project was how to accept payments if a user wants to be a premium member. Aside from that, this site had a lot of similarities to robbit, so most issues that arose in robbit, specifically user sessions and CRUD became much more manageable this time around.


I wasn't sure how I could accept payments, but it is an extremely important aspect of any business since that is the only way they can make money. I integrated the stripe gem with my project and it made the payment and authorization incredibly smooth. I tested out a few accounts upgrading, and my stripe account was charged (with fake money of course).


The site is a fully functioning website that allows for the creation, deletion, and editing of wikis. Users can also pay to upgrade to a premium account. I also like the color scheme that I went with. None of the applications that I had made have cursive headers, so I went with that. I also think that the different shades of blue contrasting with the white font color work well together.


Robipedia was an enjoyable project to work on that helped reinforce CRUD practices. I wanted to make a project that had a different look to anything that I have created and I believe that I have done so with this project. On to the next one!